
Meet the Donkeys

Here Come the Donkeys !

Click the pause button to stop the recording

The Donkey's

Click here for Video

(or "C'mon,
Where's our Breakfast?!")

>>>>>>> To Donkey Lovers Everywhere <<<<<<<

We hope you will enjoy meeting our donkeys.

Visit our BLOGSPOT which has our latest news. Click 'Subscribe by email' to receive an email when the Blog is updated. Leave us a comment or message if you like.

Visit our >>> <<< Donkey Agility Page and see the donkeys in action

Donkey lovers can contact us by email at:


Please return from time to time. Hopefully there will  be new features. We are planning  a gift shop
and a chat room for us to talk donkeys .


  >>>>>>> To Donkey Lovers Everywhere <<<<<<<

We hope you will enjoy meeting our donkeys.

Please return from time to time. Hopefully there will  be new features. We are planning  a chat room for us to talk donkeys and a gift shop.

Our latest addition is our BLOGSPOT which has our latest news and comments from our friends.

As we have LOTS of donkey photographs we will change the pictures sometimes too.

Donkey lovers can contact us by email at:


Click here for Video

The Donkey's Welcome  (or "C'mon, where's our Breakfast?!")

Right-Click here to download the video clip of the Welcome the donkeys give us every morning.
(.wmv Windows Mediaplayer file   size =464Kb - about 1 min 30 sec)

Here Come the Donkeys !

Right-Click here to download the clip-clop sound clip
( .wav file size 288KB - about 20 seconds)

If the video or sound does not play your browser may need a plug-in player. 
You can download Windows Media Player for PC Here Or for Mac Here

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