Clovelly Donkeys Timetable


In summer the donkeys go out in the fields by night and come in to work by day.

However this plan doesn't always work as donkeys are dry-climate animals and hate the rain so we have to bring them into the stables if the weather is bad. The donkeys work from the stable if it is raining because it is the only shelter we have.

9.30 - 10.30am

Bringing the Donkeys in from the Field

10am - 11.30


Saddling Up

Putting others in the Paddock

Tidying the Yard

11.30 am Street Donkeys go to Work
12 o'clock Riding donkeys go to Work
4.30 pm Street Donkeys come Home
6 pm Riding Donkeys come Home
6.30 - 7 pm Untacking and Feeding
7pm - 8.30 Rugging and Putting Donkeys in the Field

Resting in the Stable

10pm - midnight Putting the Donkeys in the Field

In winter the donkeys go out in the fields by day and come in to
the stable at night.
If the weather has been really bad and the fields are very wet the Donkeys have to stay in the stable yard in the day.

10 am

We let the Donkeys out of their Stables and into the Yard and feed them.
10 am - 2.30 Mucking out the Stables, sweeping the yard and dumping the poo.
2.30 pm Putting the Donkeys in the field if it is dry enough

WEEKENDS - Grooming the donkeys, saddling up and taking the local Children for a ride.

6pm Feeding the donkeys if they are in the yard
9.30 pm - midnight Laying the beds, feeding and putting the donkeys in for the night
