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The Donkeys


Smokey is the old pony who lives with the mules.

He is about the same size as the mules and bosses them about but he is not the leader - both Smokey and Remus won't go anywhere without Gingerfigs.

Sadly, Smokey died in February 2003, aged at least 37.


smokey in field Here he is with Remus and the dogs (Jess and Poppy) showing off his new rug. He wears his rug when it is cold or wet because he is so old. He is at least 35 here.


 Size:  13hh (52")

 Colour:.....Iron Grey

 Born: Unknown

Smokey came to us because he hates being by himself .  One day the donkeys escaped and  ended up on the farm where Smokey was living. Smokey's friends had been taken away so he was lonely. When he saw the donkeys he got so excited that he broke out of his stable and followed them.

We came to take the donkeys home and couldn't get Smokey to go back so he came to live with us!


Kissing with Remus

In his Summer Coat


Smokey is very sweet in the stable and loves attention but he does try to get all the food as he is bigger and bossier than the others.

Here he is in the stable yard standing on the dung heap.

He likes that because the heap gives off heat as it rots down and it warms his toes.


The Donkeys

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